Donating Computers to TecsChange

If you would like to donate a computer or other equipment to TecsChange, please fill out the following form.
Hit the "Send Info" button at the bottom of the form when you are done. The contents will be e-mailed to our donations committee for review. We will reply to confirm your offer.

To find out more about our donations procedure and the type of equipment we are looking for, click here.

Contact Information

Your Name (first and last)

Company or Organization Name (if any)

Mailing Address


Phone Number(s) (please indicate the best times to reach you)

E-mail address


Describe equipment you wish to donate


Do you also have any software license/Cert. of Authenticity for a Windows 95/98/NT operating system that you no longer use and could donate?


Donation Coordination Questions

Once we have reviewed and accepted your equipment donation offer, the next step is to get the equipment to TecsChange. We welcome you to bring it to TecsChange, and see for yourself how your donation will help others. But we can also try to arrange for a volunteer to pick it up from you, if necessary.

If you need us to come and pick up the equipment:

(1) Indicate the date(s) and time(s) that you can have it ready for us:

(2) Please give us directions to your location:


If you are able to deliver the accepted equipment donation to us and need directions to TecsChange, click here. (This will be opened in a new window.)
Please call to make sure we will be here!      TecsChange: (617) 442-4456

Please call (617) 442-4456 and leave a message in the "Donating computers to TecsChange" voice mailbox if you have any further questions or information. Thanks for contacting TecsChange - your donations make our work possible.