Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities
Technical and Non-Technical
Our YouthTech media and technical enrichment program is
offered in the summers and afterschool. If you know about web design and graphics
applications and would like to tutor young people, let us know. Or if you
are familiar with media literacy and would like to present or help teach it,
let us know. The summer 2003 YouthTech runs July 14-August 22 in the afternoons.
We plan to begin an afternoon program in September 2003.
Repair Course (we need a motivated volunteer to take the lead in reviving this course, we can provide support)
A lead teacher
works with several tutors in order to teach 15 students the basics of computer
diagnosis, repair, and upgrade. We hold tutor training sessions before the
start of each new class. We held over 30 sessions of the Computer Repair
Course and we're very excited by the growing number of people who have taken
an interest. For
information on the next class and tutor training, click here.
Opportunities, Saturdays, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
We are open almost every Saturday afternoon, except during holidays
and 3-day weekends. We have small hardware projects for volunteers to work on
anytime between 1:00 and 4:00pm.
These Saturday afternoon sessions are intended for individuals who are somewhat familiar with hardware basics, as we get computers ready for shipment to grassroots organizations in the developing world. They assume a basic level of technical knowledge, but you'll also learn new skills while helping to bridge the so-called digital divide.
Printer Repairs
Do you have experience repairing inkjet or laserjet printers?
We receive donated printers that need to be tested, and possibly repaired, before
we can pass them on to groups that need them.
Our Local Action Committee helps other social change organizations
in the Boston area. They provide computer equipment, installation of computer
networks, technical assessments and plans, and some ongoing support. If you
would like to learn more about computer networks, or if you have network installation
and troubleshooting skills that you want to share with others, you can get involved
with our local work. We are looking for volunteers with some computer hardware,
and if possible, networking background. For more information click here for
our Local
Action Committee work.
Locate Sources
of Equipment
We rely on 100% donated computer equipment to supply the
hardware for our repair class and to provide comuters to grassroots groups here
and in developing countries. We
seek donations of Pentium II computers, memory, hard disks, modems, printers,
monitors, keyboards, mice and manuals for any of the above. If you or organizations
(or companies) you know of can help us, please contact our donations coordinator
at Click
here for a list of
our most urgently needed computer parts.
Help With
Donation Pickups
Every week, we receive many offers of equipment, some more
valuable than others. If you'd like to help our equipment donations coordinator
get equipment or pick it up, please contact
Publicity, Media Literacy, and More!
If you aren't technical but would like to
participate, we have opportunities for folks to help with fundraising events,
phoning, getting publicity, helping with community outreach, mailings, data
entry and lots more. Let us know what skills you'd like to share with us....Thanks!